Thread: Stocking Up
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Old 04-01-2011, 08:04 PM
Deb G
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Rice Lake, WI
Posts: 489

This is maybe getting alittle off track but growing up I remember learning about bomb shelters and how to build and stock them. We lived in SD in what some would call the boonies. There weren't any bombs being built within several hundred miles of where we lived and where it would've been the most likely bombs would have been dropped. But being on a farm we
Now, with the reactors in Japan leaking radiation and it showing up in the US it becomes alittle scary. Especially since we live approx 45 min. from a nuc plant. Never even thought to worry about it before but a lot of people are becoming aware that it could happen here and beginning to think about what they would need in an emergency such as that.
As for food anything canned, whether in glass or metal, is the safest way to keep food safe.
There are numerous things that can be done to ready ourselves for something catastrophic but we don't need to panic, just gain the knowledge needed to become prepared.
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