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Old 04-02-2011, 07:02 PM
Jan in VA
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Originally Posted by Scrap Happy
When we 1st moved to FL I went to go pick up the trash cans outside that had been picked up. I opened the front door and my hand to God there were birds EVERYWHERE. Little ones, big ones and all in between. They were covering the front yard, in trees in the woods on both sides of the house and across the street and on the power lines. None of them moved when I stepped outside. I felt like I was in Alfred Hitchcock's 'The Birds.' I thought twice about going to the end of the driveway but did. Not one of them moved or made a sound. I brought the cans up to the garage door and left them and high tailed it into the house. Strange, never saw anything like that before or since.
Now THAT absolutely gives me the heebee-jeebees!! :shock:

Jan in VA
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