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Old 04-03-2011, 03:17 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2009
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Originally Posted by EasyPeezy
Can't you just hand sew that part back? Is it frayed?
Here's a cutting chart for different widths of binding.
I followed Amma's tutorial and use Elmers School glue for all my bindings
with my own adaptation. Works like a charm. After sewing the binding to the
top I fold it to the back and pin, pin, pin (making make sure there is enough
to grab it from the front, specially the corners - put a pin through to see
where the needle will hit or not) then go with Elmers glue all around and
iron and remove all the pins. I pin and glue one side at a time so I don't get
poked with pins. Then stitch in the ditch from the front.
The prep may sounds like a lot of work but it's worth it. :-D
this is how i do mine also..

i use 2.5" binding strips.
i am not sure if you can go over what you already have done. wouldn't that be to thick?

let us know what you end up is a learning thing for all of us.
My hands just can't manage a hand sewn back..i have to machine sew it on.
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