Old 04-07-2011, 06:37 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Jacksonville, TX
Posts: 67

Originally Posted by Suzi
AHA!! - EUREKA!! - SHAZAAM!! - BINGO!! I dwaddled around out at the kennels, hoping that one of these comments would click when I returned and reread. Trapezoids from RebeccaVLQ gave me a mental picture, amma's pic of her OBW let me see what I needed to see and then dunster put the cap on it. It turns out that my main problem was that I had laid out the hexes without regard to where the pinned centers were facing ...... some were right and most were wrong. Every one of you helped me and I'm forever grateful. This board is fantastic ----- I belong to a few forums covering several different subjects and none of them would have gotton me out of this jam so quickly and so well. Thank you, thank you, thank you ...........!!!
This is why I LOVE this board. EVERYONE is so kind in helping. No question is a dumb question if you do not know the answer. I learn so much by just reading.
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