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Old 04-10-2011, 06:19 PM
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Back in 1970, my hubby bought me a New Home (we lived in Japan, not far from the factory). That machine was way ahead of it's time, had cams for lots of decorative stitches...I used that machine for 20+ years, hardly a problem...loved it. Then in 1993, passed it on to my daughter & I bought a Janome 5000 and a Janome serger. Loved them, no problems. In 1998, upgraded to Janome 9000, what a workhorse! I have a 300e for most of my embroidery. I just got a 6600P off layaway, as I wanted a larger quilting area. Haven't used it yet, but my daughter has had hers for about 3 years & loves it, that's why I bought it for myself. I am a crafter (do about 10-12 shows a year, so am always sewing to keep up with the booth sales), & a quilter. I wouldn't trade my Janomes for them!!!
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