Thread: Why am I up?
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Old 04-11-2011, 02:23 AM
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Location: Washington, PA
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Oh, I am so sorry you are up! I woke up every hour last night. Finally went into another bedroom so as not to disturb hubby who had to go to work this morning. I have fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis in my knees. My knee was horrible last night. No getting comfortable no matter what. The strongest pain pill I take is Aleeve. My daughter is a nurse and said Mom, if you are not going to get on the meds that are out there, then you have no room to complain. Well...everyone has an opinion..My opinion is, at least for me, meds are the last resort. I had Oxicodone for a tooth I had pulled in February. Took one, didn't like the "woozies". But I have taken a few here and there at night for my knee. They make me woozie, but don't really help the pain. As for the fibro, my thigh muscles are always like a rubber band stretched too tight. I walk a lot to help keep me mobile. Gotta love this growing older stuff. Yesterday was just beautiful here, so I did some yard work and of course, overdid!

I know what you mean about space to work in. It has to be non distracting or it blocks the flow of creativity.

Wish I could help with the chair issue, but the mat is the only solution I know of. Sam's Club has those mats for $20 if you know of anyone who belongs.

Here's hoping you feel better!
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