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Old 04-14-2011, 04:51 AM
Moommist13344's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 35

Originally Posted by jcrow
I have made quite a few quilts, but they are in the easy catagory. I shy away from anything that looks hard. I would like to find someone to be my quilting buddy and help me tackle an intermediate quilt. I know how to fuse applique but would love to learn how to sew it on by turning the edge of the fabric under 1/4" and sew the appliques on. They look so pretty that way. I know it's hard to do but if someone could help me with that and lots of other quilting needs, I'd love them forever. Jeanne :shock:
jcrow, I would be happy to help you. Needleturn is so easy. I learned that when I was a kid and my mom use to patch jeans for my brothers. Actually, it was reverse patchwork. You just use your needle to push under the seam allowance then take a little 1/16" stitch, again use you needle and turn under a bit and take another little stitch... now, an easier way is this...
cut out the pattern on the dull side of freezer paper w/o the seam allowance. Place it on the right side of your chosen fabric and iron it on, then cut it out adding approximately 1/4" on all sides. Do not remove the freezer paper. Place your piece on the background and using the freezer paper as a guide, turn under your seam allowance and take your little stitches. --- Or do a really easy thing. After you have cut out the piece with the freezer paper on top, turn it over and use stick glue and go all the way around the edge (wrong) side and fold under the seam allowance. Place it on the background and stitch it on and remove the freezer paper Viola! Three ways to do Needleturn Applique. Personally I love the last one... the only draw back to it is that if the glue dries, it is a bit stiff to put the needle through, but it all comes out in the wash! This way makes perfect corner, points and curves curve!
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