Thread: Extra income?
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Old 04-14-2011, 08:42 AM
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Location: Castle Rock, Washington State
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I should be doing more, but I've grown lazy. I did a LOT of article writing on Usually starts out at a dollar an article and they usually want 10 articles a day some want less. I got a couple good contacts of stable employers, then I went to work for Wal-Mart and fell out of it. I was making upward to 5.00 an article there for a bit. However, it is very time consuming and sometimes the turn around is short on what they want.

You also have to watch out for some of the India employers that want something for nothing. I also had one that never paid me, so then I wised up and watched closer to the reviews and checked their names for how many posts they had and how much it may have repeated.

I had a blog up that was getting some fair hits and sharing tips on article writing. I'd also call them out on the blog, if they 'screwed me over' -- had one man tell me that he would have hired me, if I hadn't been so negative on some posts. I thought, oh well, I'm too old these days to take crap and shut up about it. LOL

Oh I forgot to add, that I've done some craft fairs too and they can be slow, some thing sell, some don't. But, I did find a pretty good seller at one, which was around school time. Those rollups for crayons or colored pencils. Quick to make, and you can purchase those 12 pack of pencils for a buck. Just add them to it and sell the rollup for 5.00. I was told to ask for more, but heck.
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