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Old 04-24-2011, 12:16 PM
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A poem I wrote after my daughter was T-boned in her car Easter Sunday 2003:

The day begins
Mom has to go to work.
Dad is off this Easter Sunday.
Daughter goes to work at Rite-Aide.

It turns out to be a beautiful warm day.
I imagine it was a beautiful warm day when
Our Savior rose that Easter Sunday.

Daughter leaves her job at Rite-Aide around 4.
She must have left the window rolled up even
though it is warm outside.

She stops for a red light.
Then it turns green and she moves forward.
Just then her world goes dark.

She does not hear screeching tires, metal being
crushed, glass shattering in a million different
directions. The Lord has sent 10,000 angels to protect
her, and to keep her on Earth with the people who love

She does not hit the steering wheel.
The Lord has seen to it that the beautiful face he gave
her is not disfigured.
She does not suffer any broken bones or internal injuries
that could quickly take her life.

She has people around her almost immediately to monitor
her vital signs and see to it she gets the help she needs.
These are angels God has put here on the Earth.

She is spared seeing what is left of the vehicle she has named "Sally" twisted and contorted around her.
She does not remember the sounds made to get her out of the vehicle. Again there are angels at work.

She gets a ride up in the sky to take her to the best trauma unit in the area. Dad will tease her later "what do you mean you don't remember the helicopter ride".Mom does not find out she got the ride in the sky till she get to the Emergency Room. (she know what a ride in a helicopter means)

It is quite some time before Mom and Dad get in to see her ... they are running tests. What a joyous relief to see her still in one piece. I hug her but not too hard as there are visible bumps, bruises and cuts. She stays in the hospital only overnight.

Thank you Jesus for your love for us.
Thank you Jesus for your love for our daughter.
What a miracle my Easter Sunday has turned out to be.
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