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Old 04-26-2011, 08:03 PM
Quilting Aggi
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Originally Posted by Kas
Well, I had one of those wedgie things that kept them on their sides. I had a fear of them urping while on their backs and aspirating vomit. Not good. I made sure to switch which side they slept on so their heads wouldn't get deformed. I have seen so many babies with lopsided heads or heads that are extremely flat on the back from not changing the sleeping position. I also always swaddled until they didn't like that anymore. Then it was just a blanket over the lower half of them.
Right from the time I brought William home from the hospital he HATED sleeping on his back!!! I bought one of those wedges too and it was a God send!!!! I would change his positions through the night with each time he woke up through the night for a bottle. He slept in that thing til he started moving around more and would actually roll over the wedge onto the crib mattress!!! he still prefers sleeping on his side or tummy.

I also have a few little toy animals in the crib and have yet to have a problem (and he turns 1 on Friday). he loves to wake up in the morning and play and talk to them before I go in to change him into his play clothes and change his nappie!!!
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