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Old 05-01-2011, 10:31 AM
Ramona Byrd
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: Merced, CA
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Sure it isn't a British Shorthair? They sure do look alike.

Take her to an animal rescue group. She may fall in love with something entirely different. Wanting what a friend has sometimes doesn't work out as being a life long love (for the pet) and after having teens of my own, I know that they have these fancies that rarely are kept up for years. She's almost ready to go to college, you'll have to keep it then.

One of my daughters loved those giant Sheep Dogs and whined for one for years, but when she got married she wound up with a large, loving ball of fur who is afraid of the back yard, a starving Boxer puppy she found on a deserted roadside, and a tiny, elderly Yorkshire that her own DD rescued from a terrible boarding home for animals she'd gone to work at in the summer. (DGD called SPCA and had it closed down and stole? the Yorkie, with the conniving? help of one of the SPCA workers. After all, they want loving homes for the critters.)
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