Thread: E-Readers
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Old 05-01-2011, 01:27 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Central Willamette Valley, Oregon, USA
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I have the pocket (5"x7") e-reader from sony. (Pink of course!) and I just love it. It is the perfect size to carry in the smaller purses I have to use now. If I use a large purse, I fill a large purse. I bought the hard cover to go over it, and will be making it a quilted cover as soon as I figure out what to use for batting. I don't want the fibers creating problems. Mine has to be charged with the computer, but I don't mind. I just charge it while I read my email. It holds many hours of reading on a single charge and has an automatic sleep feature, to save energy. I think it holds somewhere around 1,200 books? I can also delete books as I finish them, so I will never run out of memory. All this for less than $100.
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