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Old 05-02-2011, 06:03 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Port Lavaca, TX
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Originally Posted by NatalieMacDonald
My 98 yr told MIL used to wear high heels (of course nylons), GLOVES, and hat to go grocery shopping! Imagine...anybody heard of that before? She is from Alberta prairie country. She never went to town in pants.
Sure, far enough back, before WWII everybody all over America and Canada wore hats and gloves and a little before that, even had calling cards, because (before everybody had phones) they didn't know if their friends would be home, and they wanted them to know that they had stopped to visit.

Have you ever cooked on one of those big black cast iron stoves? especially in the wintertime? It is wonderful! Just put a few sticks in the box, light them and you have an incredible cooking surface! From roaring boiling to just warm! Soups are a snap! Throw everything into a big pot and slow cook it! In fact, anything in a pot or skillet is so easy!

In later years my grandmother used to complain about the housework! When she was younger, I remember that everybody who lived in the house gave it a complete cleaning once in the spring and fall. Otherwise they dusted once a week and swept when it needed it.
The had a lot more time to quilt and visit with each other!
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