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Old 05-03-2011, 02:40 AM
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: England
Posts: 2,365

Originally Posted by canuckninepatch
I have recently heard that one should not place quilts in a crib with a newborn until he or she is 12 months ago, because of the risk of suffocation. Have any of you made any "quilted bags" for a newborn to sleep in ie. that are like a bunting bag to keep the baby warm, but do not put the baby at risk?

I want to add something, so that you fellow quilters understand where I'm coming from - I love making baby quilts, and will keep on making them, and giving them as gifts. But as a new gramma-to-be, I am also conscious of the fact that the new guidelines encourage young moms to use sleeping sacks for the first year. I just wondered if anyone had made one using a pattern, and which one they used. Quilts I make will certain be used and loved, but probably not put on top of the baby when he/she is sleeping alone in his crib until he/she is a year old.
don't have kids ,but, was told NEVER to use polydown for babies as it doesn't breathe and suffocate, informed cotton/wool batting ok.
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