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Old 05-03-2011, 11:24 AM
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Location: Tennessee
Posts: 155

Ok I like dogs. I've owned them most of my life. I don't currently own one. The situation here is this. Me and my husband's friends have 3. Two Boston Terriors and a Dobermin. When we go to there house, their dogs are all over the place jumping on us and climbing all over us when we sit on their couch. They slober on you and nudge you with their wet noses. I have to constantly wash my hands. I don't want to be rude but I want to ask them to control their dogs and put them in their pins when we are there. It's at the point that I don't like going over there because of their dogs. I don't think the dogs should have run of the house but they do, getting on the couches with their slobbery toys. I feel horrible feeling this way but I think that if you are having company over, you should make them feel welcome and control your animals. I understand that lots of people see their dogs as family and thats fine, but when you have company over, you should take their feelings into consideration. After all, they are your guests. What do you suggest? Should I ask them? I don't want to offend them but at the same time, I'm running out of reasons why I'm busy when they ask us to come over. :-(
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