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Old 05-03-2011, 03:09 PM
Ramona Byrd
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: Merced, CA
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We always had rescue Dobermans, from one to 3 at a time, and I was pack leader. I was boss of them, and they behaved sometimes far better than my kids!! When company came, it was their job to inform me of that fact, then when I let them in, they would be told they were friends, and then they (the dogs, of course) had to go lie down or go "OUT" back.
If you don't have discipline for either kids or dogs, you are very shortly going to have some big, powerful juvenile delinquents on your hands, and nobody loves a brat. Mine were so well mannered (brag) that when one teen daughter baby sat in a not so good neighborhood, the parents, who had met him, ask if she could bring Kurt with her!! He was even asked to visit the Preschool my little boy was going to then. The real mean one in our family was our black, half Siamese cat!
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