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Old 05-04-2011, 08:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Lena1952
Over the past few years I have noticed a tendency toward rudeness during our meetings. Members talk during a speaker, during the general meeting and not quietly. Several times I have had difficulty hearing what is being said due to the person behind me holding a conversation. As the new Prez of this guild, I need help finding a way to politely handle this situation. Me, I am normally a fairly blunt no nonsense kind of gal but realize tack it needed for this, so please help me tame these beasties nicely.
Our last guild president used a small cow bell to ring when the noise level became unbearable - and we have a small guild. Now I find as the chairperson for an event that when I hold my committee meetings, I have the same problem --- I use the bell also! Rude people are not fun!
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