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Old 03-29-2009, 03:16 AM
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Originally Posted by GailG
Originally Posted by mic-pa
I get in those moods too, and need something to inspire me which happened yesterday. The local gift shop called me and asked it I could make some table toppers/runners for Easter. She had customers asking if she had any to sell. So yesterday I started sewing my little fingers off. LOL Made three tops and will quilt them today Hence, more money for fabric. Marge
How do you decide what price to put on them?
I decide on the price as to what I think people will pay. And I always get the cost of my materials back plus a little more. It is really just a hobby for me because I like making many things. So once it is made and sold I can purchase more fabric. These days with the economy what it is quilts are not selling. Mostly tablerunners, tabletoppers etc hiliday themed. Right now I am doing Easter theme on the front and 4th of JUly on the back so people can use them more than one time during the year.
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