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Old 05-16-2011, 04:33 AM
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Originally Posted by Up North
Originally Posted by Sandygirl
I once heard that you should not put a quilt on a baby. If the quilt is too heavy, it may do harm. Does anyone have any idea of what this means? I am assuming that if the baby is not able to turn itself over,etc it may be too restricted in their movement?? (suffocate? heaven forbid!).

I also worry about flamability (sic) of baby quilts.

A friend wants me to make a quilt for her new grandchild that is due in late fall. I just want to make sure she understands the relationship of the age of the baby and a quilt.

This information is correct. With the improvement in the loss of babies to SIDS which by the way also includes suffocation a lot of the time it is recommended no blankets or bumper pads in the crib. Quilts make wonderful tummy time mats for on the floor.
Thank you for your input! I thought I was "crazy' to even worry about this and yes, I did not wear a helmet when learning to ride my bike in the 1960s but things change and "improve" or not. I realize that life and the worry-warts seem to rule BUT I still wanted input and thank you also to the grammies and aunties and mommies who also gave their input. Really, it is appreciated!

I love the idea of a floor mat or wall hanging too.
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