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Old 05-17-2011, 08:53 AM
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Maryland
Posts: 1,148

I, too, survived baby and childhood without the new "rules". And I know it seems extreme and nitpicking but SIDS deaths have declined since word went out to put babies on their backs instead of tummies, and since bumper pads and quilts and pillows became no-no's. But even if these extreme measures only save one child's life we should resist being naysayers. If that one baby who dies is your own even improved statistics mean nothing, you have lost your heart and soul. I still make baby quilts but only for those parents I know will follow the "rules".
Originally Posted by Sandygirl
I once heard that you should not put a quilt on a baby. If the quilt is too heavy, it may do harm. Does anyone have any idea of what this means? I am assuming that if the baby is not able to turn itself over,etc it may be too restricted in their movement?? (suffocate? heaven forbid!).

I also worry about flamability (sic) of baby quilts.

A friend wants me to make a quilt for her new grandchild that is due in late fall. I just want to make sure she understands the relationship of the age of the baby and a quilt.

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