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Old 05-23-2011, 09:11 PM
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I am absolutely fed up with these hit and miss pains. I am not talking about pain you can treat. I am talking about the kind that is just under the skin and can be anywhere on your body. I have had them everywhere. They are like someone is sitting there poking you with a pin. It is like lightening. It strikes and is gone. but it can keep striking over and over again every 30 secs and drives me nuts! I was driving home earlier today and i had one in the tip of one toe on my left foot. Thank goodness it wasn't in the foot I was driving with.

I have one spitting in my left kneecap right now. It is annoying and just drives you up the wall. they are short little stabs and then gone. But it keeps doing it when I start to think it has quit.. Breaks up my concentration that is for sure!

I've researched it and I guess it is neuropathy but everything I have read and the one thread I found on here makes it sound like it stays in one place. Mine doesn't. It can't be treated by a patch in the place of pain. They don't stay in one place long usually. My dr says it is just something diabetics have to live with.

Just wondered if anyone has the roving stabbing pains type of neuropathy.
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