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Old 05-25-2011, 10:51 AM
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Yeah, aren't they just the sexiest sleep accessory??? I've used mine off and on for years. I had a lot of trouble adjusting to it, in fact at first I quit using it because it just woke DH Up too so we were both sleep deprived :wink:

I finally talked to sleep doc and I am now on my 2nd machine, I got a battery operated one that will run for 3 days when we camp with no power.

i now will at least start every night out with it on, and if I wake up in the middle of the night and it's annoying, I allow myself to take it off. If I can put it back on and go back to sleep, I do. My doc pointed out that some hours are better then none and so I do try to use it all the time. I don't feel like getting up on tabletops and dancing, if it made that much difference, i would most likely wear it all day too :lol:

Periodically, I try nasal pillows or a new mask, but I pretty much like the Respironics comfort gel one and stick with that.

I am also familiar with the personal bed shower routine...I take anti=estrogens and have for almost 5 oncologist and I have an agreement, I'll try to tough it out till Sept which will be 5 yrs, if the summer is too miserable I can quit early...I can live with that. I put on sox, take them off, pull up covers, pull them down, put on T-shirts, take them off...ain't it fun :lol: :lol:

I had to quit taking Ambien after I tried to bulldoze DH who didn't want me to raid the fridge while I was asleep, imagine that! At least I didn't gain 100 lbs like that one woman or eat frozen leg of lamb...
My sleeping pills consist of 10 mg of melatonin, soma and Benedryl. It all kinda works....
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