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Old 05-27-2011, 09:14 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: southern Utah
Posts: 426

i have snored the last 30 yrs, since i put on weight. my Dr told me to graudally loose weight to where i was when i started snoring. ( i talked to a fellow that no longer has SA--he said he lost 300#, so must have been quite overweight) lost 18# in the past 7 mon. is slowly coming off. hope in the future.
when they checked meout i was waking 16/ hr on my side, but 40/hr on my back. my throat has a narrow passage...,. so it didn't take a lot to start snoring. it also runs in the family, which the Dr said is genetic...the fact of how your throat is shaped.
just barely got my machine this wk. its a Respironics brand and has the nasal pillows. i tried the cap that fits over the nose while they did the sleep test, but didn't care for it.
this has a nice flexible hose and doesn't seem to get in the way at night. its very quiet. they said plan on2 wk - 1 mon to get used to it, but haven't had any problem. loving it. i was so tired this last yr, especially. thought i slept very easily and sound!
they said that Medicare will buy you a new one every 5 yrs, so guess if they come out with new stuff, i can try an even better one then.
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