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Old 04-10-2009, 02:41 PM
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Posts: 87


Your information is not quite truthful, it should be that some Brenina's are assembled in the far east. Of the current Bernina's sold in the USA only the Activa line of machines ISN"T assembled in Switzerland. The Activa's are built in plants built by Bernina under supervision of Bernina engineer's from Switzerland. In actuality none of the Bernina's are assembled in China, there are some made in Taiwan, Thailand, and other far eastern countries, but none made in China, that I am aware of. Each Bernina sold comes with a certificate of authenticity that states exactly which country it is made in.

The Bernette line of machines is sourced from Janome and some of them are made in China, but Bernina doesn't build them, they just buy them.
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