Old 05-30-2011, 01:17 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Seacoast New Hampshire
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Thanks everyone for sharing your stories! How wonderful they all are.

I don't think I could jump into a PL right now. At home with me are my 6 mo gs and DD and DS, I also work full time and have all the house stuff, which I'm beginning to not care so much about, lol. Sometimes I sew more in my mind than at my machine. Mostly it's because of my gs but he's such a joy and I am thrilled to have this time with him.

I want to think this through and start slowly as I would hate to back out of something I started due to lack of time.

I will post when things start to pull together so I will probably be asking tons of questions.

Thanks for the encouragement, too. And, I LOVE that Erma Bombeck quote!
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