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Old 04-15-2009, 01:38 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Daytona Beach Shores, FL
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I have a Saphire 850 but I was disappointed that it did not include a walking foot as I told her I wanted it to quilt with. I said several times I'l l be able to machine quilt with this and she said oh yes.. She should have added that I would need the walking foot. I didn't find that out till I went to the class.And it cost another $100.00. I just bought a foot to stipple with and it cost $40.00. I thought that was high as I have heard people on line say their foot was $20.00.I was disappointed with the techniques of the sales person but I love the machine and have had it for over a year with out any problems at all. I took some classes and they really pushed trading in and buying up. They stressed their embroidery machine at the class and I'm not interested in that right now. So much of the time was a waste for me. I'm sure the classes vary depending on the teacher. The people they have at the store are not quilters and I would try to go to the LQS if I bought another machine It's really a shame because it is a great product but the experience left a bad taste in my mouth. But I have no complaints about the machine itself.WOW I guess I just needed to get that off my chest!
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