Old 06-11-2011, 05:49 PM
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Since I am in the middle of CHAOS right now with my three, I am reading along, hoping someone can come up with a solution that works for me, too!!

((( I have Gandolph (an older diabetic) Rory, AKA Mr. Crankypants) and Tatiana (AKA Her Royal Bitchiness.) have all been to the vet and declared healthy. Rory and Tati have both spent a few days at 'sleep-away camp' (boarding at the vet) and while one has been gone Gandolph and the other have been allowing peace and harmony to reign at the Greenhouse.

Now, all three are back together, and we KNOW that someone is peeing out of frustration or to prove a point, not from a medical issue.

Which of the two would you guys think is the most obvious choice to be medicated? And if you have had a cat on an anti-anxiety or chill out pill, what have you used? Rory is the younger, he is a clown and high energy. He is VERY interested in becoming friends with Tatiana. He STALKS her, he wants to be NEAR her. Tatiana is about 10, she is a hisser, she isn't as lovely-dovey kind of animal.

Also, it's not possible to separate them in different parts of the house. There are doors only on the bathroom and the bedrooms, and they are not allowed in two of the three bedrooms because of peeing issues. But. We need to end this peeing thing. It's got to stop. If both should be on something, so be it, but something must give. Tati was here first, Gandolph and Rory came together a year and a half ago, and this has been an issue for about 7 months...

I wouldn't care if they carried on, hissed and swatted and fought, I get that...its the peeing that is making me nuts!)
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