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Old 04-20-2009, 03:39 AM
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Posts: 760

I've learned to let some things go, too.

Laundry is not folded perfectly, because the kids do it.

There are dust bunnies migrating all over the house because I don't/won't vacuum every day or even every other day. And my cleaning crew consists of 4 people for 5yo to 12yo.

There's clutter here and there. I spend some time and focus on some stuff, then move on.

Don't always get sewing time in... between house, hubby, kids, homeschooling, part-time job, and the mountain of laundry and dirty dishes that seem to accumulate with 4 active kids...

I have some handwork now that I do while the kids are between instruction. And I sometimes pull the quilting hoop up to the table, too. A few stitches here and there makes some progress. I'll sometimes cut at the kitchen counter in between, too. Or pin. Sewing at the machine is done later... since it's back in our bedroom...

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