Thread: Corn Meal Mush
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Old 06-13-2011, 04:01 AM
gagranny's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Hephzibah, Ga
Posts: 20

Where I'm from (southern VA) we had a version called scrapple. We boiled scraps from pork, trimmings from pork chops etc and added various spices...poultry seasoning, sage, garlic, salt pepper and whatever else you desired...spicier the better then after cooking off scraps removed them and added the yellow cornmeal...cooked til very thick and pour into a small loaf pan, cool and refrigerate...slice and flour and fry in butter or oil...served with whatever you desire...a form of polenta, of course I had never heard of polenta til several years ago on cooking shows LOL
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