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Old 04-24-2009, 07:26 AM
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Originally Posted by PatriceJ
Hubby thinks he's doomed? does he not realize how lucky he is you didn't make him stand in the yard with the labels pinned to him until they dried in the sun? :shock:
LOL! now that's an idea...Blue, sometimes I need my big ironing board, and the only place to put it, is in part of the walkway to dining room/kitchen, or, against end of table, going into hallway...hubby says, "could" you get this out of here, sometime today? (He is much, umm, larger than I), I set up, and move, and set up, and move.
Now, hubby as a quilt that idea!! I'll put one over his piehole!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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