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Old 04-26-2009, 05:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Ninnie

Double"duh" I just got home from town and forgot to buy paper again. I have it loaded on my computer, but want a copy to carry to my sewing room with me. It's been a rough week, QC, One of Dh's closest friends dropped dead with an heart attack at the age of 58, one year older than DH. So we had to do the whole funeral home and funeral thing, Haven't had time to try Rhonda's technique yet. but want to soon. Hope grand daughter is still doing well, I know you were scared. My how we love those grand babies! :lol: Joined the Black and White block exchange, hope I am ready to make blocks for others. I need a vacation. Calgon, take me away! :lol: :lol:

Oh Ninnie, sorry to hear about your hubby's friend. My hubby is 59 also, and it made an impact on him, when Tim Russert (news commentator?), dropped dead at same age. We really never know, do we?
Grandbaby had an allergic reaction to peanut butter. She has some other allergies, but this was the first, jump and run to er, kind of thing. It was very scary for sure! She is doing fine now.
I can understand, your needing a vacation. When tragedy strikes, it has a way of opening up all kinds of sad things, that can weigh us down, or just make the everyday stuff, harder till we can work thru the emotional baggage, and get back on track. Hope your friends family is doing ok, or as well as they can. Know this must be hard on your hubby, which of course, makes it hard on you. hugs, ninnie. want me to send you some calgon?...right after I take a soak...I'm getting to a better place with the sewing/quilting, but the everyday stuff...physical maladies...ah, it all takes turns. We need to build a big place full of all kinds of rooms for quilting etc. but also has a spa, where we can get a massage, take a nap,...have a nice snack or meal...just sit and relax and chit chat...what a vacation! and instead of mints on our pillows, when we get back to our rooms...fabrics!!!! let's go...we'll practice the boston blocks with them! What fun, to do all this together. :D :D :D :D :D
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