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Old 04-26-2009, 04:51 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2008
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I've been sitting here reading every reply and asking myself, if I was going to share my 'experience'. After reading your reply, Bonnie, sweet you are...I think I will. It may help some ppl to know.
Many moons ago, I was a young housewife, with three daughters. I thought I had to be superwoman, not bc my mother was,, bc she wasn't. I know, backwards. I love my mother, so not criticizing (sp),...but, I grew up, doing most of the housework, and babysat my three younger brothers, to the point, that I felt like their mother.
I married a man, whose mother, was an exceptional housekeeper and cook. She was quiet and dutiful, and basically the way her husband wanted her to be.
Hubby didn't expect me to be her, but he didn't want much different. I needed a role model to fill in the gaps, I had not already figured out. I was used to doing it all.
I didn't want my children to be lazy and spoiled, so I did give them chores, and we all worked together, but I thought the extra time it gave me, was so I could take on two more part time jobs.
Fast forward, where did all this get me? All this, neat freak, put yourself last, kids were my whole world, hubby gets it his way...etc. etc. etc.?
It got me wore out, and unable to work outside of my home. I inherited most of the maladies that both of my parents have, and when my kids left home, I had to go "talk" to someone, bc I was not coping with my the loss of 'my purpose'. It sounds 'cliche', but I had empty nest syndrome, BAD.
With no one but hubby to cook and clean for, I felt lost. I wasn't sure, that was my problem, until daughter and her hubby, temporarily stayed with us for three weeks, and when they left, I cried and cried. I was in hog heaven, cleaning and cooking, and mothering, etc. Somebody needed me.
I just can't do all that anymore. After some good 'help', and that is a choice,...everybody doesn't need that kind of help, but I did. I was very good at being a doormat, and needed a professional. It worked.
I have chronic health issues, so I was forced to slow down. My two top priorities, after medicating allergies, thyroid, ibs,....fibro...etc. blah, blah, blah...are family and quilting.
I have four beautiful granddaughters now. Hubby is pretty much broke in, the way I want him, and I have a great sewing room. I have to play things by ear, bc of my health, so not much of a schedule. I have one, in my head, and if I can do it, I do. If I feel too bad to stand, I do something sitting, and vice versa.
Why in the world did I write all this? To let you know, that when you are young, you push yourself to extreme limits, bc you can. Eventually, though, it takes it's toll. Oh, I probably would have got some of these chronic disorders anyway, but, if I could do it all again. What would i change? I did a good job with kids, so not too much there.
I would make more me time, and less cleaning. I wouldn't have 3 jobs, and a home and kids, and a hubby and pets, all at once. Life IS too short. My kids saw how hard I worked and are all determined, not to do that to themselves. Good for them. I'm glad.
I keep the floor picked up, the bed gets made. I wash dishes, once a day. If hubby has clean clothes and good food, and tv, he is pretty happy. In some places, I don't have dust bunnies...more like kangaroos. I have to wear a mask to dust, bc it goes so long without. I swipe here and there, a bit, but dusting is the last thing on list.
The health dept. wouldn't have a problem with my house either. All trash and food scraps keep moving. Like somebody said, I don't make as much mess, so I don't have as much to clean. I hope this makes somebody feel better. Forget, superwoman status, she becomes a sick old lady, after a while! Enjoy yourself more, and be happy and quilt! :D
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