Thread: E-Readers
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Old 06-27-2011, 09:04 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2010
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I have the black and white 3g Nook by Barnes and Noble and also the color Nook. I loved my black and white one so much the only thing on my Christmas list was the color and Im so glad I did. You can put anything on it; from books to magazines, pdf docs, all office docs, music, pictures and so on. They just came out with a new app that allows me to use it like an organizer where I can store and update my calendar, contact list, bills to pay, things to do, etc. There are lots of apps. My grandson loves the "read to me" feature so that he can listen to his books and I even love to buy him books because the color is so vivid; its great. I store quilting patterns, notes ect on mine. You can get ebooks from just about anywhere because Barns and Noble has it compatible w/mulitble formats; not just theirs as others have done. I'd buy another one in a heartbeat. Customer service in the store is the best and thier extended warranty is fix or replace which is great. Hope this helps

You can also go to borders, barnes and noble and sony and download a free reader from each of them to save on your pc and get their free books and buy from them. There are probably others out there that have free ereaders for your pc but these are the ones that I know about
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