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Old 06-28-2011, 05:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Bill'sBonBon
I have that very machine...model number is 385.19110.. I got it a yr. ago last Christmas.. I also have an older Kenmore..Model number 385.18836.. Love them both for different reasons.. PROS....Computer one is light easy to handle and has super slow speed which is SOOOOO good for piecing to get the quarter inch perfect.. I love its many stitches especially the serging and applique stitches.. I use it for piecing and light sewing..CONS.....It grinds to a halt if you try to go over a thick hem like hemming jeans..have to switch off and on to reset it.. Still love it for piecing and making top.. I would not use it to quilt haven't tryed but don't think it could handle the strain,being it grinds to a halt going over a jean hem..
The other Kenmore I believe I got it in 1999 for Christmas too..
PROS... It is a work Horse!!! I have put it thru Hell and back.. I can stuff a quilt thru it,push,pull it will take whatever I do to it and still keep going like the energizer Bunny. It doesn't have as many stitches..But my all time Fave. is the RickRack stitch.. I doesn't come to a halt of anykind but it will break a needle instead of stopping :thumbup: Jean Hems are nothing to it goes right over the humps. I have quilted a queen size quilt,hanging over to box springs,with High loft Poly batting and it took it.. :thumbup: CONS... It is HEAVY !! you don't take it to sit and sew at the guild meetings..It has only 2 speeds,guess I got spoiled to the SLOW for piecing.
So I use the computer one for piecing and I do love it as you will as long as you have one for thick will go thru the hems until it gets to he seam humps on jeans..
I use the older for heavy duty sewing and quilting.. I am waiting for my camera to charge then will send a pictue of each.. Got them....BTW Janome makes Kenmore machines for Sears..
I have the model that came after your first one; I love it. It's not too heavy to take to class. It has adjustable speeds and it sews and quilts w/ease. I always wanted a Viking emb; I think it is because of the beautiful dress in thier adds w/the embroidery on it. But after sewing w/my Kenmore/Janome I may go w/Janome when I upgrade my old Viking emb. I have also be intriqued by Janome too but with way my machine sews and isn't fussy about threads, etc I may get the Janome next time around. With extended warranty of course
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