Old 06-28-2011, 10:46 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Mississippi
Posts: 452

Originally Posted by caspharm
I came home Saturday and my husband was cleaning up the garage. The washing machine had literally exploded: the entire top blew off - held on only by the steel mesh water lines, and the back of the tub blew out. The machine moved away from the garage wall and the water lines keep it from moving out farther. It was a good thing I was out in my car, since it is parked in front of the washer. There were pieces all over the garage. Luckily, it is all covered by warranty and the mfr is going to refund our money - easier for them then replacing it. In fact, we went back to the store and the machine is on sale for $200 less than what we originally paid for it.

Very scary - thank heaven no one was hurt !!

Showed the sales people where we originally bought it and they were amazed. Our salesman wanted copies of the photos to put on Facebook. Plus my husband had to sent photos to the mfr as well as proof.
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