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Old 05-06-2009, 07:55 AM
Shadow Dancer
Super Member
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 1,962

When my kids were growing up I gave each of them chores that were geared to their ages. My oldest son at the age of 10 graduated to loading the dishwasher after dinner, I washed any pots (because I learned that pots mysteriously found their way into the cupboard bypassing the wash stage) and he dried them and swept the kitchen floor.

Shortly after he was assigned this duty I noticed I seemed to have less and less cutlery, specifically forks and teaspoons. I asked where it was disappearing to and got the standard answer, "I don't know!" (I don't know and not me lived in my house for many years. LOL) I went through all the drawers, I even searched the boys bedroom, no cutlery... so one night I decided I would keep an eye on his clearing the table and loading the dishwasher.... didn't take long to find out where the cutlery was going.... when he scraped the plates into the garbage it included scraping the cutlery in too!!!!

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