Thread: Ipad disaster
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Old 07-09-2011, 02:40 PM
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Originally Posted by feffertim
I think the app maker should be more vigilent with these childrens games.
It is the responsibility of the owner of the iPad to be vigilent in who and how there iPad is used. Be vigilent in making sure you have parental controls on.......that a child cannot get in without you putting your password in for with them when they are playing the games, etc.

App maker creates a software for folks to buy and use. They have no control on what we do with it once we do buy it or even get a free app. We alone are responsible for our children and grandchildren and the access we give them.

My GD played that game one day and asked me for my password to get coins and when I looked at it told her NO that I was not paying for coins.

We can't blame Apple, ITunes, App Creators and such for our actions or those of our children.
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