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Old 05-13-2009, 11:40 PM
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Originally Posted by butterflywing
i put in my red geraniums this morning - two for each large pot - and filled in around the bottoms with dianthus. k used up all the marigolds. should be a pretty good show. the irises are about ready to open - the earliest ones are already opening. the lilies are full of buds. the azaleas and the rhododendron have opened or are ready to. the hydrangea and the bleeding hearts are ready. when i go away next week, i'll miss the best week of all, i think. maybe it will stay overcast and wait for me.

i pulled out a lot of plants that didn't achieve my expectations last year or became too aggressive. dh put in 3 kinds of tomatoes, eggplant, cukes, arugula, dill, fennel, chilis and green peppers, parsley, basil, mint, loose leaf lettuce, radishes, then pansys, nasturtiums (which are edible, k), swiss chard, more primrose, more columbine, more astilbes, more lilies, wave petunias, PERENNIAL GERANIUMS, ajuga, coreopsis, 2 lobelia, coleus, and some more. doesn't it sound like we have acres and acres? we have a bitty yard. one bitty in front, one bitty in back. we just created lots of borders and trellises. also, on the veggies, we just have one of each plant for the 2 of us. not like when we DID have lots of garden. when i come home i will post.
Oh, yes please, show us pics, it sounds wonderful! I did know about the nasturtiums, thay taste kind of peppery, don't they? I've used the flowers in salads before now; I grow them as a sacrificial crop because the black fly love them then leave my beans alone! But you don't want to eat them once they're covered in black fly! Unless you're short on protein, I guess!

K x
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