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Old 05-15-2009, 12:42 PM
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OK, I have been down this road. First their is no one way to do it, distraction helps, but remember not to force yourself to do things you usually associate with smoking..... like don't take a long car ride if you are used to smoking in the car. For me it was sitting at a keyboard, I was so used to having that ash tray next to me.

My approach was to cut back gradually. I didn't so much say, OK, today is 12 cigarette day. I just made myself think about every smoke I had, how many times do you light up when you are doing something else. So I wouldn't smoke unless I could enjoy it since I knew my days were numbered. Eventually I was only having a few a day. From there it wasn't a long stretch to quitting. I also took up knitting... a lot. It was important for me to keep my hands busy. It has been about seven years for me.

My husband has been using Chantix for a few months now, he's not had a cigarette for about six weeks. He said to warn you about the weird dreams, I have heard that is common side effect.

More than anything you just have to want to be a non-smoker.
Good luck, if I can do it, anybody can do it, beleive me, I am weak.
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