Thread: Wheat free diet
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Old 07-13-2011, 07:55 PM
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Originally Posted by true4uca
MacThyer, thank you so much for all this info. I haven't gotten my test results back yet. Dr. suggested I try wheat free for 48 hrs. I've just tried it for one day & gosh I'm feeling better already. When he suggested this I just rolled my eyes thinking yeah right. Now I'm thinking he very well maybe right.Seems my morning cherrios with yougart is the main enemy.
Just a word of caution here about those test results. They may come back negative. Mine did. I'm in a support group, and at least half of the people there had negative lab tests. Yet if I were to eat gluten, I would get sick. I know this because less than a month ago, I accidently bought some cereal with real oatmeal in it, and didn't realize it, and couldn't understand what was making me sick until I found it. Then I felt foolish. (Some gluten intolerant people can eat oats, some cannot, and obviously, I cannot.) Stick with how you feel. Even if it comes back negative, stay on the diet a while and see if you feel better and better. That's how a lot of people in my support group found out they were gluten intolerant. And there is medical support for this. If you don't have a true allergy, no antibodies will show up in your blood. If you're just intolerant, your blood may not show anything at all. (Unless it's so bad you have a "leaky gut" in which case food molecules are getting through into your bloodstream, and the body is making antibodies to that foreign substance, and yada, yada, yada. You'll find lot's of explanations. That was the clearest I could find. They get pretty technical). But for some doctors, it's black and white. Tests are negative, so obviously you don't have it. If I believed that, I wouldn't be well today, and I can't tell you how much better I feel. So just do that, go with how you feel, not with just the test results. That's all. Hope you're feeling better soon.
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