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Old 07-16-2011, 08:26 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Tampa Bay Area, Florida
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Mary, I know some would think this funny [it's not drugs, alcohol etc], but I think you are wise to realize some behavior changes are in order. I am no expert, but I know you can't change everything at once. This is a long haul deal. If you had to answer in 15 seconds or less, what is the one thing you most want to change? Is it the finished projects just sitting? Could you pick one place you store them, then narrow that to a shelf or a specific number of items or something and sort through those with the goal of finding 10 items to donate? Is 10 too many? How about 5 or even 3?
If it is a finished item who would use it? Women? Children? Men? Elderly? Okay, now what organizations in your very immediate area reach out to that group? Would your husband or a friend or other family member be willing to take the items for delivery before you change your mind? [It might be a while before you can get to the point of taking something yourself]. Do a print out from the organization if they have a website with some pictures, if there are any, with the information of the mission of this organization. Keep focused on who you are helping, not on what you are giving up.
If it can't be finished items what about just a couple of quilts that need binding? Is there a guild, church or other public group that does charity quilts? Could you find at least 2 or 3 you could pass on to them? If not quilts what about a few bags of scraps?
I don't know if this is any help, but I know changing behavior must be done in small steps with little successes adding up. You can do this. You have recognized the need to change your behavior--that is the most important part! That is huge! I look forward to your future posts. This was very brave of you to start this thread.
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