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Old 07-18-2011, 04:39 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Joplin, Missouri
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Oh gosh.. I'm one who always wears flip-flops.. I started wearing them when I was very young and so my feet grew around the thing between my toes.. I have very skinny feet (oh, if my body would only follow suit!!) and they are the only thing I can buy with ease.. and even some of the flip-flops are falling off my bony foot! Either you love them or hate them.. I love them and hope they never fall out of style..

Yes, they used to be thongs, but no longer.. Now everyone would laugh if I said I was going shopping for some new thongs!! Does anyone remember the split toe sock/bootie that you could buy with the zipper up the ankle? Those little booties made them year around footwear for this California girl. Wish I could still get those.
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