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Old 07-18-2011, 05:11 PM
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Originally Posted by running1
Originally Posted by Painiacs
A lot of us have them! In fact they say MOST ppl have them. Stretch, try to stay in shape ( I'm still trying!) keep the core strong, walkm or swim for exercise, don't suffer in pAin needlessly !!! Also educate. Educate! It's ur body!!
This is excellent advice... I would only add: if at all possible, see a Physical Therapist for guidelines and to get you started in the right direction... educate you on correct parameters for exercise and stretching...
PT pretty much resolved my bulging disc, but it wasn't severely bulging...

getting one's core stronger is important for all of us!!

Hope the pain goes away soon... definitely not a fun time!!!

I agree...I"m in my last week of PT...I'm feeling ALOT better than when I started...and frankly, I didn't think it was going to help much, but I went to it because the doctor said to. I've learned that I need to stretch twice a day and keep active...the hip traction has helped tremendously too. I just hope I still feel this good a month from now...hopefully I'll be able to keep everything aligned.

My 2 bulging, 1 herniated, and 3 degenerative disks haven't felt this good in a long time!
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