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Old 05-21-2009, 03:48 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2008
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think I already chimed in, but oh well, i'm like the scraps, worth keeping, around, lol! :wink:
was in a fabric dept. one day, chatting away with betty, the fabric cutter-lady, and another customer, joined in. We were talking about how much fabric we have, and when i said something...bit foggy, now,...about having a lot, she suggested that I give them away, or get rid of some way...was the inference...I was shocked! :shock: (see my hair standing on end?!)
I said, "oh, no, I could never do that. I am very sentimental about my fabrics." In a rather, snippy voice, with an expression to match, she said, "I never get sentimental about fabric!" If I were nuts.
I looked at her to see if she were serious, and thought, "oh my, you poor thing. You're missing out, and don't even know it."
Some of my fabrics are for me and hubby, so they are like children. Some are for my kids, and my gkids, so they are family. Some are for friends, so they are friend-fabrics, and some are for charity projects, so those are my foster kids. Some day they will go to other homes, but I will always have the memories.
Oh, I don't take anything about my sewing/quilting or crafting stuff lightly. Anything that can bring me out of the blues, see me thru sickness, keep me from getting bored, or going crazy, and brings me so much absolute joy...well, it deserves to be loved and respected and handled with TLC, and have it's own special room where we can revel in all the wonders of making happy stuff, for as many as we can, for as long as we can. :D
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