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Old 11-15-2007, 12:21 PM
Shadow Dancer
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Join Date: Oct 2007
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This isn't anything that was wrong with the turkey I cooked...but I thought of it and I'm sitting here chuckling to myself and thought I'd share my turkey experience...

I always stuff my turkey, and this one Christmas, I couldn't find my turkey skewers so I sewed it with a needle and thread. I was cleaning up after the turkey was in the oven and I guess I didn't realize that the needle had fallen onto the mat in front of my sink.

Later in the day I went to make coffee and I felt this pinch in my big toe, I looked down and sure enough, The needle had pierced my toe and gone right through it. Well I into the screaming, so much that my husband came running into the kitchen. I had my foot up in the air, and was screaming at him..."get it out, it hurts! Get that thing out of me...pull it out!"

Well he did pull the needle out and while he was putting peroxide on my toe,I started laughing...I think for a minute he thought I was getting hysterical or something...but started laughing when I told him it was a good thing the window was closed or the neighbors would have been wondering what the heck we were doing in the kitchen with me screaming at him to pull that thing out of me, it hurts! LOL

After that I always make sure I find my skewers well ahead of time.. ;)
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