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Old 08-01-2011, 06:55 PM
Shocked Quilter
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Join Date: May 2011
Location: Boating thru life
Posts: 76

My house was skunked,,,really no joke...3 years ago. The insurance overed about $14,000. in the clean up. The skunk go into the trunk line of the A/C unit and panicked when the heat came on. NO words can tell you how bad it was. We were out of the house for almost 3 months. They ran a clean air machine for 2 weeks,,, snd all clothing, bedding, etc, was hung up inside. Hotels use the small version to get air hotel runs where smokers have stayed. I had to throw away food that was in boxes,, plastic containers, etc. I can not recall the name of the air cleaning machine, but call ServePro, or a company like that and they can tell you.. sorry about you loss. There were 4 houses skunked in our county that year. I had never heard of it before,,but believe me,,I know now.. You need "All Perils" on your home owners policy to cover the total cost of clean up.
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