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Old 08-01-2011, 08:04 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2010
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Originally Posted by Sharonsews
Thank you! I needed to hear I am worth something besides a taxi driver, maid, dirty laundry mistress, laundry gal, errand girl, sewer, Mom, employee and daughter. I was told today I was a stupid, ugly old hag. Yes, I am 50, short and heavy and not a model by far. I have 2 college degrees (no, that doesnt' make one intelligent) and feel like I can contribute to society and help a 13 year old with homework. I pick up after family at home and after children/adults at work - I am a librarian.
Hi, I am so sorry that you had to hear that today. Just consider the one that said that as someone who is feeling down on him/herself and doesn't know how to cope, so they lash out at someone else. You know that you are worthy and loved. If you would like to talk PM me and I will be more that glad to talk to you. I am not a professional just someone who cares for you. I also am someone that has been called what you were called and I know that it hurts. My heart goes to you. Hang in there and things will work out. Hugs BrendaK
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