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Old 08-02-2011, 05:01 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Arkansas Ozarks
Posts: 686

I use to be a big Ebay Seller. Then one evening I was putting fresh sheets on my bed, tossed the quilt on top and threw my back out. To the hospital I went, surgery two days later, laid up in the hospital a few more day. I knew I had items that had sold, and morphine and business do not mix. I kept excellent records, had a form that my husband and mother in law (who had offered her help) all they had to do was fill in the blanks on the form with the buyers address. Match the number at the top of the page to the corresponding boxes that were stacked at the end of the hall. Put the address on the box and off to the post office. I came home a few days later thinking all was taken care of. I don't know if they got in my morphine or what but they sent everything to the wrong place. Took me weeks to straighten out and cost me a fortune. One lady sent me an email that read: " Thank you for the Camo Sheets, but I purchased my daughter a cute pair of Mary Janes."
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