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Old 06-05-2009, 05:20 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2008
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Originally Posted by Jamie
I love hugs....a lot of physical..and emotional..and other things going on for the past couple of months...I'm not a depressive person usualy...but i've just been really down lately. I don't watch tv...and i have 4 small children, so going away is pretty much out of the question...quilting has been my release and my Me time..and now I don't even wanna do it! I either need a good swift kick to get out of this funk..or maybe some new fabric or anything quilting...I feel like pieces of me are missing right now :(
well, bug, hug, thin....ooops, big hug then... :wink:
yes, we all really do, get in this rut, sometimes...that's what it sounds like. You need a change of pace or scenery...some fresh air, etc.
Physical probs, cause emotional, and think you said cash flow is low...that'll do it fer sure!
Your feeling I never go anywhere, by choice, but let car be unavailable to me...road-runner itch, hits!
i would 1 - not feel guilty about not quilting...just adds to
just be on hiatus from it, for a bit.
don't really know, what would put some sparkle back in your, go with what feels good, and let whatever you can, go...housework, etc.
I promise THAT won't go anywhere, lol!
Make a in house tent with kids, on living room floor and camp. Costs nothing, and they love it. They know when mommy doesn't feel right. Hope you feel more like yourself, very soon, Jamie. hugs agin :wink:
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