Thread: Not my morning
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Old 06-06-2009, 08:52 AM
Courtepointe's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: South-western Ontario
Posts: 81

Sorry about your morning! I can be frustrating. I finally have my family trained to know that when I close the sewing room door, they are to act as if I am not even home. No phone calls, no visitors, no requests, etc. It's great! If the door is open, they can come in to visit, but not to bring me any kind of problems. Mine are 12 and 9 now, so they get it. They also are learning to appreciate their own private time. We all have to learn to like our company, seeing as we are stuck with ourselves forever!

Best parenting advice I ever got was from my mother in law. I was having a day like yours, called her to cry, and all she said was:
"Marie, these are long days, but short years. You will miss them one day."
I think of that almost every day now.
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